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Configuring the NAV-900
Please note that to use the NAV-900 as a system for automatic steering, you must always have it approved and registered by an official body according the respective country-specific regulations.
The GPS receiver is connected to the terminal via the EXP-900L adapter.
The “AG-200, NAV-900” driver is activated.
 Service_color - Open the “Service” application.
Tap “GPS”.
The “NAV-900” screen appears.
The terminal reads the current configuration of the GPS receiver.
Tap “Settings“.
You can now see all of the configurable parameters.
Configure the parameters. The parameters can be found on the following pages. The parameters that you need to configure depend on the respective correction source and the respective activation. Only those parameters that need to be configured are shown.
 Back - Save the configuration.
Further information
“Frequency” parameter
“Position quality” parameter
"Radar Out" parameter
"Use slope-compensated position" parameter
“Correction source” parameter
“SBAS+” parameter
“Correction satellite” parameter
“MMS mode” parameter
“Frequency selection” parameter
“Fast restart” parameter
“Convergence threshold” parameter
“xFill mode” parameter
“Base datum” parameter
“xFill Premium” parameter
“Server address” parameter
“Port number” parameter
“VRS mount point” parameter
“User name” parameter
“Password” parameter
“Radio modem” parameter
“Network ID” parameter
“Radio mode” parameter
“Baud rate” parameter
“Parity” parameter
“Stop bits” parameter
“External correction protocol (input)” parameter
“Data output” parameter
“RTK base station filter” parameter
“Base station CMR ID” parameter
Transferring licenses
Managing radio frequencies
Configuring the NMEA messages